Evaluators' Work Group

During December's work group, we split into groups and used the 9 Why's exercise to:

  1. Get at the root of why you spent time and effort on fidelity data
  2. Help you communicate the reason fidelity is important to SPDG participants. 



Group 1: 

  • Define what fidelity is in the context of the SPDG

  • How to utilize SDPG fidelity data

  • What does it mean to gather high quality data in the first place

  • What does the definition, or the data mean when we are talking to different stakeholder groups

  • How do we build collaboration so that we can assist each other to build fidelity systems


Group 2: 

  • Define what fidelity is in the context of the SPDG

  • How to utilize SDPG fidelity data

  • What does it mean to gather high quality data in the first place

  • What does the definition, or the data mean when we are talking to different stakeholder groups

  • How do we build collaboration so that we can assist each other to build fidelity systems

  • How do you present this/how do we learn from each other? Who presents at internal team meeting?

Jason Altman
Meeting Type:
Event Year: