Directors' Webinar: June 2021

Strengthening Family Partnerships Through a Multi-Tiered System of Support
Kimberli Breen

You likely already know the value of family partnerships, and have lots of great partnership practices. In this session, we will explore how to sustain and expand these efforts by leveraging the power of family voice through a multi-tiered system of support.

Resources: SPDG Family Partnerships

College and Career Competency Framework: Providing quality SEL professional development and promoting fidelity of implementation through data

Amy Gaumer Erikson and Pattie Noonan
This interactive session will provide an example of schoolwide high-quality professional development (HQPD) in social-emotional learning (SEL). Driven by implementation science, educators increased collective efficacy and implemented evidence-based instructional practices that resulted in students’ social-emotional growth. Please read the short article prior to the session, and consider students’ social and academic outcomes that could be positively impacted through this professional development.

Amy Gaumer Erickson, Patti Noonan, Kimberly Breen
Jennifer Coffey
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