Directors' Webinar: March 2022

A Brief Look at the Emerging Montana SSIP
Annette Viciedo Young, Montana’s SSIP Director, will share the design process of Montana’s emerging SSIP. The circular design is centered on a relational approach to working with stakeholders, lifting their voices, and removing barriers and opening doors to equity and opportunity to Montana’s most valued asset—their children.

Aligning Cross-System Efforts to Improve Outcomes for Children/Youth and Caregivers

Aligning and integrating mental health efforts across district and community partners requires high levels of collaboration, communication, planning, and coordination within a District-Community Leadership Team (DCLT) that includes executive-level leadership from education and partnering organizations. During this presentation, learn how the Kansas State Department of Education fostered the development of the Kansas School Mental Health Professional Development and Coaching System:

  • Articulate  the needs that prompted the initial development of the TASN School Mental Health Initiative (SMHI).
  • Describe how relationships and existing state-level efforts were leveraged to engage community organizations in the development of the School Mental Health Professional Development and Coaching System.
  • Identify how the multidisciplinary makeup of the SMHI Team has navigated the complexity of facilitating the development and alignment of  DCLTs.  

The TASN SMHI School Mental Health Implementation Guide is intended for use by school communities seeking to establish a DCLT to improve mental health outcomes for children/youth, and caregivers. The attached (optional) handout includes a pre-learning activity that provides webinar participants with an opportunity to explore the School Mental Health Implementation eLearning Modules designed to enhance the learning and facilitation of the Implementation Guide.

Annette Viciedo Young, Cherie Blanchat, Lee Stickle, Kerry Haag
Jennifer Coffey, John Lind
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