Directors' Webinar: January 2022
Learning Lab, Restorative Practice
Stephanie Autumn discusses the Learning Lab Framework and restorative practices with need and intended outcomes.
Learning Lab, Restorative Practice
Stephanie Autumn discusses the Learning Lab Framework and restorative practices with need and intended outcomes.
Jennifer Coffey presented the results of the most recent Program Measure/GPRA review. As a reminder our contractor, CIPP, reviews projects’ program measures if they are in year 2 or later in their project implementation.
Jennifer shared the overall SPDG Program results. Your Project Officer will share your individual results.
Purpose: Develop & prioritize 4 SMART goals and topics that align with goals.
Learning Targets: Participants will be able to name the 4 goals of the group. Participants will be able to list at least two topics that the group will cover that will support these goals.
Purpose: Begin exploring the topic of collaboration and alignment for MTSS-SEL.
Learning Targets: (1) Ability to describe why SEL is necessary for academic achievement. (2) Ability to name the key skills SEL will provide students. (2) Understand the reason for and use of the Initiative Inventory.
Unified Champion Schools
Speakers: Andrea Cahn, Jennifer Cartland
Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools is a strategy to promote social inclusion, providing students, educators and families with the tools, skills and dispositions to create schools of acceptance and positive school climate. Evidence and evaluation shows that SOUCS is a contributing factor to student success, and positive academic and social emotional outcomes. This session will explore how the impact can extend to family wellbeing.
To network with others and find examples and literature about how to best develop teams that effectively support MTSS implementation.
Create a how-to guidance document that provides best practices in the areas below and also supports trouble-shooting.
This group will support each other in building a playbook on creating and implementing modules that increase participants’ targeted knowledge and skills.
By January 2023 this working group will create a module that supports SPDGs in developing and implementing effective technology-based professional learning.
Other Resources
A Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) offers an alternative approach to family engagement. A tiered approach to family engagement helps teachers and administrators adapt to the contexts, needs, and preferences of every family in the school so that ALL families are engaged in their children’s education. In this session, Georgia’s MTSS Communications and Family Engagement Specialist Carole Carr discusses the importance of helping families understand their role within the framework and how uplifting student voices strengthens engagement and improves student success.
Purpose: Learn how to impact student outcomes. Share and learn about the types of data that can be used to demonstrate student outcomes.
Learning Targets: (1) Participants will have a rough sketch of an elevator speech; (2) Participants will be able to describe at least two ways to demonstrate impact.