High-quality Professional Development Checklist Version 3

The HQPD Checklist V3 can be used for in-person, virtual, and asynchronous professional development. The example document includes at least one example for each indicator specifically delineating application in online learning. The HQPD Checklist V3 can be used to evaluate synchronous and asynchronous online learning, including self-paced, non-facilitated modules.

Individual(s) should complete the checklist while observing the delivery of professional development. For each item, check whether that indicator was present in the professional development and provide evidence from the training to support that assessment.

Gaumer Erickson, A.S., Noonan, P.M., Ault, M., Monroe, K., & Brussow, J. (2020). Observation checklist for high-quality professional development [Version 3]. Center for Research on Learning, University of Kansas. 

Contributed By:
Gaumer Erickson, A.S., Noonan, P.M., Ault, M., Monroe, K., & Brussow, J. (2020). Observation Checklist for High-Quality Professional Development [Version 3]. Center for Research on Learning, University of Kansas.
Evidence-Based Professional Development Sub-Topic: