Directors' Webinar: April 2023

Coaching and Communication continues! On Thursday, April 6th from 3-4:30 ET, we heard from your colleagues and external experts. Here are some highlights:

Coaching: Diana Mosha from Partnership for Los Angeles has supported regional, district, and building level coaching. She will share:

LA Partnership data: 2 communities, 20 schools, 88% graduation rate. The partnership directly serves 13,550 LA Unified students at the elementary, middle, and high school level. 

  • Recruiting coaches;
  • Administrator roles and responsibilities related to coaching;
  • Systems/infrastructure that support coaches; and
  • Comparative evaluation of coaching impact.

Communication: UNEXPECTED is the next SUCCESs principle we’ll dive into. Greg Wertenberger shared an unexpected piece of data that has driven action in Arkansas. Participants brought something unexpected (idea, data, anecdote, etc.) that could drive engagement or action.

Diana Mosha, Greg Wertenberger
Jennifer Coffey
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