In response to a notice inviting applications from the Office of Special Education Programs at the U.S. Department of Education, the Vermont Agency of Education (AOE) has developed a proposal to address students’ access to high-quality instruction and intervention delivery systems along the continuum from birth through age 21. Implementing an effective instruction and intervention delivery system will ensure children and students receive appropriate instruction, intervention and/or services as soon as a need is identified by educators, families, or students. The implementation of this proposal is a collaborative effort among the AOE’s Student Support Services, Education Quality, and Student Pathways Divisions as well as the Agency of Human Services Child Development Division. Additional partners include local education authorities (LEA), the University of Vermont, and the Vermont Family Network.
The VT 2022 SPDG Proposal has two goals:
1. Increase the percentage of students with disabilities who score proficient or above in the SBAC reading and math assessment, through rigorous and sustained professional learning, focused on the analysis, implementation, and monitoring of effective assessment, instruction, and intervention delivery systems.
2. Improve social and emotional skills for infants and toddlers (birth to age 3) with a OnePlan/Individual Family Service Plan and support the Vermont’s Early Childhood Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) through the provision of Early MTSS/Pyramid Model training to Children’s Integrated Services/Part C early intervention (CIS/EI) personnel in coordination with, and as Part C Co-Lead Agency with, the Agency of Human Services Child Development Division.
To achieve these goals, we will go through a selection process for participants and providers that is needs based and data driven. Second, a comprehensive, evidence-based training curriculum will be implemented to increase participants’ understanding of the VTmtss Framework, Early MTSS, and the ability to implement evidence-based practices, with fidelity, that is data-driven. Third, the training curriculum will be augmented through the provision of sustained, evidence-based coaching strategies to increase the capacity of SPDG participants to implement the evidence-based practices. Fourth, performance assessment data will be collected to assess fidelity of the implementation and subsequent outputs and outcomes. Last, administrative supports for assessing and implementing instruction and intervention delivery systems with fidelity are enhanced through the use of leadership teams and administrator training and coaching. Goal 1 expected outcomes include the: (1) timely and accurate student identification within an initial evaluation process, (2) identification of instructional strategies, interventions, and related supports that are appropriate and evidence-based, (3) delivery of instruction, intervention, and related supports with fidelity, as identified using evidence-based standards and by appropriate and highly-qualified staff members, (4) progress monitoring to assess the impact of instruction, intervention, and related supports related to student-specific achievement goals, and (5) family involvement and engagement as partners and decision makers in the education and development of their children. Goal 2 outcomes include: (1) greater capacity of CIS Early Intervention services who support infants and toddlers, (2) improved social and or emotional functional development of infants and toddlers, and (3) families are better able to help their infants and toddlers develop and learn functional, social, and/or emotional skills.
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