Directors' Webinar: March 2023

We are ending the Interviews and Innovation series and kicking off the Coaching and Communication series. Over the last months we’ve heard “What I’ve Learned so Far” from California, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Carolina, and South Dakota Project Directors and Coordinators.

Fidelity Friday

Fidelity got you down? Looking for some good thought partners to hash out your fidelity measurement? Well look no further . . . our next Fidelity Friday will be March 3rd!

So pop in for a cuppa, or, if you can’t be there in-person, send Jennifer Coffey your questions (jennifer.coffey@ed.gov).

Fidelity Friday

Have you had a chance to really dig into SISEP’s Fidelity Brief? If yes, what stuck with you? What do you have more questions about? If no, what are the fidelity questions keeping you up at night? What are the fidelity problems you wish you had an expert to call on and help you solve?