
Directors' Webinar: April 2019

1) Michigan SPDG Lessons Learned.
The Michigan Department of Education has been working to support implementation, systainability, and scale-up of an integrated reading and behavior MTSS model since 2003. Over the history of this initiative, on-going learning has contributed to improvements in effectiveness, efficiency, and durability. This presentation will highlight key lessons learned and describe how others might benefit from this work.

Directors' Webinar: May 2019

1.  Leveraging state and local strategies to ensure every student succeeds under ESSA
Teri Marx (AIR) will be discussing how to leverage state and local strategies to ensure every student succeeds under ESSA.

2. The Cognitive Coaching Model
Kate Martin (Director TN SPDG) will be describing the Cognitive Coaching model, how it is used in the TN SPDG, and elements of the model that can be used to improve collaborative efforts.

Directors' Webinar: August 2019

1) How ESSA Title IIA funds are used by States, Elizabeth Witt, US DOE

Elizabeth Witt serves as an Education Program Specialist in the Office Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of School Support and Accountability (SSA).

2) How the NH SPDG base family engagement efforts on the Dual Capacity Framework, Kimm Phillips, NH SPDG

Kimm Phillips is the Director of Family Engagement at The Parent Information Center (New Hampshire’s Parent Training and Information Center).


Directors' Webinar: November 2019

Systems Alignment Conversation

At the National SPDG meeting, we saw impressive accomplishments from State teams in their systems alignment planning. Today’s facilitated discussion is the next step in our ongoing conversation around systems alignment related to your plans, action steps, and any questions about how to accomplish what you’ve set out to do.