2022 Michigan

PR Award #
Grantee Name
Michigan Department of Education
Project Title
Implementing Integrated MTSS at the Early Childhood and Elementary Level
Project Director
Teri Rink
Project Director Email


This SPDG will expand on the state’s coherent, integrated MTSS framework to support districts and schools. It proposes technical assistance supports (training and coaching) to increase the competencies of Early Childhood (EC) educators, elementary educators, and district and school personnel to implement an integrated MTSS, specifically in literacy and social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health practices (SEBMH). This project is designed to expand quality PBIS to EC settings to create continuity in support from EC-Grade 5 and use evidence-based practices for educators to improve SEBMH and literacy outcomes for all students, including students with and at risk for disabilities.


The MiMTSS Technical Assistance Center will provide training, coaching, and technical assistance across three levels of the education continuum: district, school, and classroom. A three-year partnership will be established with LEAs using a professional development series focused on bidirectional, nonlinear implementation of MTSS across early childhood and elementary grades that addresses all tiers concurrently (e.g., class-wide, Tier 1 core instruction and intervention). Competitive preference for partnership will be provided to rural and urban districts within historically marginalized communities. The project’s performance will be evaluated using district capacity data, PBIS, and literacy implementation fidelity data, and student outcome data.

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