This project will enhance the statewide system for personnel preparation and professional development by increasing the capacity of early learning, LEA, and educator prep programs to prepare personnel to implement scientifically-based literacy instruction through the framework of a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) through efficient use of technology, coaching, family and community partnership training to increase awareness and sustain practices. Participants will demonstrate increased awareness, knowledge and implementation of evidence-based literacy interventions aligned to MTSS delivered with fidelity, improve early and accurate identification of children at risk for reading difficulties, and demonstrate improved literacy outcomes for children with disabilities.
The project will provide high quality professional development to early learning and LEA staff through on-line learning and coaching to improve implementation of evidence-based literacy practices aligned to MTSS over time, assist EPPs in instructing pre-service teachers in evidence-based literacy practices, expand statewide on-line training of MTSS supports and engage community partners to improve family awareness on supporting students with scientifically-based literacy instruction within MTSS. The project will evaluate the quality and efficiency of professional development, attainment of personnel knowledge and skills and improved teacher retention, fidelity of implementation, and impact on students with or at-risk for disabilities.
Explore Cohort Projects
2021 New Jersey
This project will expand capacity to implement Jersey Tiered Systems of Support for Early Reading (NJTSS-ER) by (a) providing multi-level (universal, targeted, and intensive) technology-facilitated training, coaching, and technical assistance; (b) increasing the intensity of professional developm
2021 Mississippi
The Mississippi State Personnel Development Grant (MS SPDG) focuses on the evidence-based practices of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), to improve (1) student performance by scaling-up and deepening im
2021 North Carolina
The North Carolina State Improvement Project (NC SIP) will provide comprehensive, high quality professional development and follow up coaching focused on effective leadership and effective instruction to districts and schools.