2021 North Carolina

PR Award #
Grantee Name
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Project Title
North Carolina State Improvement Project: NC SIP (SPDG)
North Carolina
Project Director
Paula Crawford
Project Director Email


The North Carolina State Improvement Project (NC SIP) will provide comprehensive, high quality professional development and follow up coaching focused on effective leadership and effective instruction to districts and schools. The project will build state-level capacity; enhance leadership skills in administrators; deliver research-based professional development on reading and mathematics instruction; align state and institutions of higher education instructional content; and improve family engagement at all levels of service delivery

North Carolina seeks to close the educational gap between students with and without disabilities. North Carolina State Improvement Project (NC SIP) will work with partners to ensure that special education teachers, general education teachers, and administrators receive comprehensive, high-quality professional development to meet the needs of students with disabilities. NC SIP will: (1) Build capacity at the state level to support professional development at the district and local levels; (2) Build effective leadership and organizational capacity at the district level; (3) Offer professional development and coaching to teachers and administrators on effective instruction; and (4) Integrate NC SIP professional development into pre-service and administrator courses at partner IHEs.

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