The goals of the Maine SPDG are to increase the mathematics proficiency of students in grades 3–8 with IEPs in seven school districts and to improve school climate through the reduction in exclusionary discipline practices. Expected outcomes are greater capacity of the Maine DOE and LEAs to support the implementation of effective mathematics instruction and PBIS; improved teachers’ instructional capacity, increased mathematics proficiency of impacted students; increased knowledge of all school personnel to implement PBIS at all tiers; reductions in office discipline referrals and suspensions; and greater awareness of parents regarding effective mathematics and PBIS practices.
Each initiative will facilitate professional learning for four cohorts of districts and schools, providing two years of intensive support, before implementing a gradual release. The math initiative will focus on special education teachers working with students performing at a developmental level of grades 3-5. The PBIS efforts will impact all district and school personnel. Professional learning includes a formal training curriculum and sustained coaching. The collection, analysis, and reporting of formative and summative data, with an emphasis on implementation and intervention fidelity, will inform and improve implementation efforts, while providing the necessary accountability to ensure project outcomes are met.
Explore Cohort Projects
2021 Mississippi
The Mississippi State Personnel Development Grant (MS SPDG) focuses on the evidence-based practices of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), to improve (1) student performance by scaling-up and deepening im
2021 Colorado
The project purpose is to increase academic and behavioral outcomes for students, particularly students with disabilities.
2021 New Jersey
This project will expand capacity to implement Jersey Tiered Systems of Support for Early Reading (NJTSS-ER) by (a) providing multi-level (universal, targeted, and intensive) technology-facilitated training, coaching, and technical assistance; (b) increasing the intensity of professional developm