Work Group: Early Childhood

We are excited to announce the launch of a new community of practice (CoP) with the focus on SPDGs with an early childhood/part C partnership. During the 2023 SPDG National Meeting, several states expressed interest in this group.

All are welcome to join this group. If you are one of the following states that proposed a partnership with Part C, please consider joining this CoP:  CT, AL, CA, GA, KS, MO, NE, OK, PA, VT, GU.

We invite State teams of Part B and Part C state representatives, community partners, and families to join us. The CoP will be supported by SIGnetwork, the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA), and other federally funded technical assistance partners.

Sunyoung Ahn, Ted Burke, Christina Kasprzak
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