Forum Presentations

SPDG National Meeting, Telling Our stories, Signetwork

Oct. 14, 12:10 – 1:00 ET

Session 1: Partnerships for Literacy: Ohio’s Local Program to Strengthen Family Engagement
Barbara Boone, Ohio SPDG Family Engagement Partner

Using data to drive decisions is fundamental to continuously improving educational systems. Through Ohio’s SPDG initiative has been directed to expanding and enhancing the state’s efforts through the SSIP to improve literacy instruction for all Ohio students. Through the SPDG, Ohio developed Partnerships for Literacy, a program that leads schools through reflection about the role of families as partners in support early literacy. 28 participating schools in 15 districts who each had the support of an external coach, developed a team of parents/caregivers, staff, and community partners to implement a continuous improvement cycle of data collection, strategy development, implementation and evaluation. At the local level, schools enhanced community partnerships, communication with families, and supports for families for early literacy at home.

Session 2: Launching GO MTSS/SST and Its Impact on Families
Carole Carr, Communication and Family Engagement Specialist
Rondalyn Pinckney, Research and Evaluation Specialist

GO MTSS/SST has streamlined communication and data sharing between educators and families in Georgia. The platform provides access to educational plans and explains to families how students are being supported within a MTSS framework. GO MTSS/SST ensures families are included and allowed to contribute to the conversation by sharing information about their student. GO MTSS/SST helps families fulfill their role in the decision-making process.

Session 3: Engaging Stakeholders by Gathering Input through Surveys and Focus Groups
Cheyne LeVesseur, Research and Evaluation Specialist

This year the MiMTSS Technical Assistance Center is hyper-focused on engaging stakeholders and gathering their input. We are reaching out across the state to seek information from teachers, district and ISD leaders, and state organizations to better understand their top priorities for supporting all learners, and on the converse, how we can ensure our professional learning opportunities, resources, and implementation supports are relevant and better contextualized to meet regional needs. We are accomplishing this by connecting to stakeholders across the cascade in three ways: (1) collecting input from four stakeholder groups addressing their MTSS-related needs, barriers they experience related to an MTSS framework, and how to ensure they can better access of our continuum of supports; (2) collecting input to better determine when to offer professional learning opportunities and in what format; (3) and hosting several focus group sessions to gather feedback on reframing our states social, emotional, behavioral screening process. In all we will be better equiped to align our supports with our stakeholder needs.

Session 4: Reaching Families Where They Are
Dr. Mary Ann Shepherd, Behavior Consultant
Kristen Perez-Rickels, Project Director

We will discuss the work Oklahoma SPDG has done in the past 18 months to reach a diverse group of educational stakeholders, including families and educators. We will discuss our social media outreach project that seeks to provide high-quality, evidence-based behavioral information to families, community members, and educators in a format they’re comfortable with. We will provide an overview of the project resources, information on the development of the monthly campaigns, and data generated from the project.

Session 5: Collecting and Sharing Stories to Recruit Schools and Engage Families
Laura Bray, SPDG Director
Tracy Ficca, SPDG State Lead
Jacki Lyster, Educational Consultatant

The overarching goal of Pennsylvania’s SPDG, Middle School Success: Path to Graduation (P2G), is to decrease dropout rates for students with disabilities, specifically students identified with emotional behavioral disorders. School teams use an early warning system to examine student attendance, behavior, and course performance data and develop system and student-level interventions. The outcomes of the grant focus on social-emotional, behavioral, and academic learning. Throughout the pandemic, the goals of this grant have remained consistent, yet our stakeholder engagement efforts became more flexible, mindful, and innovative.

Session 6: Using Student Outcome Data Stories to Recruit and Enroll Stakeholders in Sustaining Implementation
Cindy Medici, SIM Project Manager
Kimberlee Oakes, Assistant SIM Project Manager

Florida’s SPDG has used multiple methods for collecting student outcome data with varying levels of success. During this session, we will share our journey and current data stories that encourage district staff, school administrators and instructional implementation teams to scale-up and sustain implementation of the Strategic Instruction Model (SIM).

Session 7: The North Carolina Stakeholder Engagement Story
Melissa Towery, Grant Director
Bridget Bilbro, Literacy Consultant

North Carolina has been successful in engaging stakeholders at the local education agency, institutes of higher education, teacher and parent level. While there have been barriers, there have been many stories of success.

Session 8: SPDG GPRA Performance Reporting: Guidance for Improving Data Quality
Shauna Harps, Ph.D.
Laura Johnson, M.A.
Jennifer Schaaf, PhD

During this session, members of the Center to Improve Program and Project Performance (CIPP) will provide an overview of its process for reviewing SPDG grantees’ Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) data, and the team will share tips for improving GPRA data quality.