Family Engagement

The impact of family involvement on the education of children ages 3 to 8: A focus on literacy and math achievement outcomes and social-emotional skills.

Van Voorhis, F. L., Maier, M. F., Epstein, J. L., & Lloyd, C. M. (2013). The impact of family involvement on the education of children ages 3 to 8: A focus on literacy and math achievement outcomes and social-emotional skills. MDRC.

The studies reviewed in this report represent the most rigorous work conducted over the past decade on the nature and effects of family involvement on young children’s literacy, math, and social-emotional skills.

Legal and research considerations regarding the importance of developing and nurturing trusting family-professional partnerships in special education consultation

Gershwin, T. (2020). Legal and research considerations regarding the importance of developing and nurturing trusting family-professional partnerships in special education consultation. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 30(4), 420-436.

PTA National Standards for Family School Partnerships: Implementation Guide. PTA

This guide will help local school communities implement programs, practices, and policies that encourage partnerships between families, schools, and communities and promote student success. Use the guide and the supporting resources at to educate your community about the importance of family involvement, and to direct the development of effective partnerships.

Michigan’s Parent Leadership in State Government

Parent Leadership in State Government (PLISG) connects parents and professionals to build stronger families and communities across the state of Michigan.

The PLISG initiative provides training and support to parents in using their voice to impact local, state, and federal program planning and policy development.  Parents are given the knowledge and skills to participate on advisory boards, committees, and other decision-making bodies.

Everyday Behavior

The OK SPDG has helped to support these free, publicly available resources for families. The Everyday Behaviors YouTube videos cover everything from behavior interventions to effective reinforcement and consequences.