2020 New York

PR Award #
Grantee Name
New York State Education Department (NYSED)
Project Title
New York State – State Personnel Development Grant – Multitiered Systems of Support
New York
Project Director
Tina Minehan
Project Director Email


This proposal establishes a statewide, multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) integrating academics and behavior to train pre- and in-service educators to provide effective structures and practices that result in improved outcomes for students, particularly students with disabilities. The outcomes include improved operations of State and district teams using evidence-based professional development practices (EBPD); improved stages of implementation of MTSS; schools’ implementation of response to intervention (RtI) and positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) with increased fidelity; and pre-service training programs, which include course syllabi in MTSS and virtual/hybrid practices.


NYSED’s project will create an MTSS center managed with collaborating partners including, institutions of higher education (IHEs) and a federally funded parent advocacy center.  Professional organizations, districts, IHEs, and parent advocacy organizations will advise the center’s implementation of training and coaching. The project will evaluate teacher skills, fidelity of implementation, and scaling up of MTSS.

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