SPDG Directors Webinar

During the July Directors webinar we will cover alot of ground:

  1. A Simplification Process with Becky Gerdes, MN SPDG
  2. Title IIA Contacts and Information with Jared Namnun, OSEP Intern (Link to contact spreadsheet below)
  3. SPDG Program Area Meeting Agenda with John Lind, SIGNetwork Facilitator
  4. Staff Turnover Survey with Sarah Scott, OSEP Intern
    1. Sarah will share a tool that assesses personnel turnover/shortages to help professional development/TA providers determine how to approach partner schools.
  5. Observation Tool Matrix from University of Denver Program Evaluation students
    1. The Michigan and North Carolina SPDG teams will describe how they support analysis and feedback related to their observation tools.


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