2022 Nebraska

PR Award #
Grantee Name
Nebraska Department of Education
Project Title
Nebraska State Personnel Development Grant (NSPDG)
Project Director
Amy Rhone
Project Director Email


The purpose of the proposed project is to increase state capacity to provide leadership, professional development, and guidance to schools on improving behavior outcomes for students with disabilities and their non-disabled peers. We are expanding the current structure of our social-emotional and behavioral learning practices by increasing training, coaching, and consultation services to Nebraska educators serving students from PreK to graduation. We expect the project will result in 1) the increased use of evidence-based behavioral practices by educators, and 2) reductions in exclusionary practices, including suspensions and office discipline referrals.


Activities will include the development and implementation of trainings to promote data-based decision making and the use of evidence-based behavioral practices in districts and schools across the state of Nebraska. Multiple training options will be available for schools to facilitate completion of the objectives as indicated on the Project Narrative. Coaching, consultation, and professional development (i.e., annual training, in-services, etc.) will be tailored to meet district needs and be offered in multiple formats, including on-demand video modules, live online learning opportunities, and in-person support. The Project Management Team will be responsible for ensuring project implementation and evaluations, meeting monthly to review progress.

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