The Pennsylvania Department of Education is partnering with the Office of Child Development and Early Learning to ensure the success of EVERY student, including economically disadvantaged early learners at-risk for or identified with a delay/disability. Research indicates that services embedded with family-guided coaching improves outcomes for infants/toddlers in Early Intervention programs. Research also demonstrates that implementing evidence-based practices with elementary students displaying attendance, behavior, or academic needs improves outcomes. The proposed grant, Success for PA Early Learners (SPEL), will provide intensive professional development/coaching to ensure that early learners receive evidence-based practices to improve outcomes in literacy, and school and family engagement.
Employing evidence-based adult learning practices, Success for PA Early Learners (SPEL) will build the capacity of Early Intervention and school teams, and families to address the needs of economically disadvantaged early learners at-risk for or identified with delays/disabilities. The Pennsylvania Department of Education will manage SPEL with support from Early Intervention Technical Assistance (EITA, IDEA Part-C training entity) and the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN, IDEA Part-B training entity). Our leadership team will work with our external evaluator to analyze, reflect on, and respond to data on literacy, family and school engagement, and continuity of transition services and supports.
Explore Cohort Projects
2022 Nebraska
The purpose of the proposed project is to increase state capacity to provide leadership, professional development, and guidance to schools on improving behavior outcomes for students with disabilities and their non-disabled peers.
2022 Missouri
The goal of the Missouri State Personnel Development Grant is to improve literacy outcomes for all students, especially students with disabilities, by providing high-quality professional development focused on implementation of evidence-based academic and behavioral practices and systems, with an
2022 Ohio
The purpose of Ohio’s SPDG is to improve the state’s system of personnel development to better support all districts to capitalize on the strengths and flexibility of the Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) as the basis for deploying effective MTSS processes, evidence-based practices in adolescent lit