The purpose of the State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) project is to deliver evidence-based professional development (PD) to improve the delivery of reading instruction to students with disabilities in grades K-3. The SPDG project employs a design of PD with training, coaching, and follow-up supports, with a focus on increased ability of instructional staff to utilize explicit instruction when teaching reading to students with disabilities, increased capacity of instructional coaches to support implementation, and increased capacity of leadership to implement evidence-based practices. The overall goal of the Idaho SPDG is to improve reading proficiency for students with disabilities through the sustained implementation of explicit instruction when teaching reading to students with disabilities.
The Idaho SPDG will provide face-to-face and online training, onsite and virtual coaching, virtual collaboratives, and technical assistance to 212 instructional staff (special and general education teachers) to support the implementation of explicit instruction when teaching reading; and 55 instructional coaches to ensure their ability to lead and sustain improved instructional delivery at the teacher level. Additionally, over 100 family members of students in SPDG schools will be trained in leadership and at-home reading strategies. Evaluation of the project will include fidelity instruments, surveys, pre-post assessments of knowledge, satisfaction surveys, infrastructure and sustainability assessments, and student achievement data in reading.
Explore Cohort Projects
2020 Washington, D.C.
The project purpose is to increase educator, leader and family competencies in inclusive practices and tiered services and supports for students with disabilities.
2020 Illinois
Illinois Elevating Special Educators (Illinois ESE) will increase the capacity of school districts to recruit and retain highly qualified and equipped school personnel to improve the progress and performance in literacy for students with disabilities.
2020 Tennessee
The Tennessee Department of Education is pleased to submit its fourth State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG). Previous grants have been leveraged to affect significant change in outcomes for students with disabilities, particularly students with specific learning disabilities.