Minnesota’s State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) addresses needs identified as part of our State Performance Plan reporting and will continue to be aligned with our State Systemic Improvement Plan, as well as other professional development activities, to improve outcomes for children and youth with disabilities. Specifically the grant project is designed to: (1) Reduce dropout rates and improve graduation outcomes for American Indian children and youth with disabilities through the implementation of evidence-based practices; and (2) Increase the number of American Indian teachers in special education through support of higher education partnerships.
To achieve our desired outcomes, this proposal focuses on partnerships with school districts, IHEs, cross-division partners, national technical assistance centers, Minnesota’s parent training center, and stakeholders to: (1) Provide personnel development on evidence-based practices, and (2) Partner with IHEs to redesign a special education licensure program to meet the needs of American Indian educators. The Special Education Division will provide leadership and overall management of contractual and non-contractual partners. The Special Education Advisory Panel, Special Education Personnel Preparation Forum, and the Tribal Nations Education Committee will serve in an advisory function, providing feedback, recommendations, and participate in the evaluation process.
Explore Cohort Projects
2020 Guam
The Guam Department of Education (GDOE) has designed a high-quality, sustainable professional development program to increase its personnel capacity to address the implementation of early intervention and special education evidence-based practices for improving functional outcomes and educational
2020 Arkansas
This project will transform and expand Arkansas’s coherent system of supports through competency-based professional learning and ongoing coaching in order to increase the implementation of high-leverage and other evidence-based practices at the regional, district, and school levels.
2020 Washington, D.C.
The project purpose is to increase educator, leader and family competencies in inclusive practices and tiered services and supports for students with disabilities.