Director's Webinar

Directors' Webinar: May 2020

Distance learning supports for Professional Dev and Math interventions

Sydnee Seager, MTSS Project Mgr at the Utah State Board of Ed, will discuss how Utah is providing support and professional development to LEAs with a focus on ensuring equity for all learners through distance learning.

Directors' Webinar: August 2020

Virtual Data Collection

Collecting fidelity, progress monitoring, and outcomes data just got harder than ever. Fortunately, we have knowledgeable people to share strategies and innovative ideas that will help SPDG projects navigate the coming school year.

Leslie Fox, PhD, of the Monitoring and State Improvement Planning Office in OSEP will share considerations for how to collect data that could benefit SPDG projects and State Systemic Improvement Plans.

Directors' Webinar: September 2020

What does true access for children with disabilities look like? Successes at James Russel Lowell Elementary in Indianapolis

Brooke Harris Garad, Research Scholar at the Center on Education and Lifelong Learning (CELL) at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community (IIDC) at Indiana University-Bloomington.

W. Patrick Lumbley (Pat), Proud Principal of James Russell Lowell School 51 in Indianapolis (IN).

Directors' Webinar: October 2020

PD in Colorado and Latest Results from SPDG Government Performance Results Act (GPRA)

In “Meeting the Needs of your PD Partners,” Kristen Brown, Project Director for the Colorado SPDG, shares how Colorado is determining (a) the challenges of professional development (PD) participants, (b) how PD providers can meet those challenges, and © how to share PD offerings in a way that is most likely to be useful to educators and families.

Directors' Webinar: December 2020

Building a Collaborative Culture Focused on Total School Improvement through the MTSS Framework

Burns Middle School has exceeded state growth standards for consecutive years and is designated as a Solution Tree Model PLC School. This presentation will address the school’s work in building a learning centered, results driven, collaborative culture within the MTSS framework. We will discuss collaboration in addition to our work with core and tiered academics, behavior, and social emotional learning.

Directors' Webinar: January 2021

Virtual Coaching and Support for Adults and Youth

Many of the practices used to support others in-person, work just as well virtually; some work even better.

Adults and youth benefit from brief, high-frequency positive contact. This session will address using Virtual Coaching to get the best out of adults, and Virtual Check-In, Check-Out, to give our best to youth at-risk.

Directors' Webinar: February 2021

Program Measures and the APR

Bethan Langlois will describe the OTISS virtual professional development modules in Oklahoma.

Kimberly St. Martin will discuss “Intensifying Literacy Instruction: Essential Practices.”

Jennifer Coffey will describe how to respond to the program measures, as well as changes for new grantees and future grants. She will also share highlights from SIGNetwork’s year and what is coming in 2021.