Engagement Linked to Learning Models

Ohio Parent Teacher Partnership Model. Ohio SPDG

The Parent-Teacher Partnership Model brings together a small group of family members and school staff a few times per year to discuss such topics as respect, communication, equality, and supporting student learning using a set of 8 suggested modules. Families and schools implement this model for an opportunity for honest and open, two-way communication towards school improvement and family well-being. Parents and teachers co-facilitate meetings, to model to the group that families are equal partners.

Tips for Administrators, Teachers, and Families: How to Share Data Effectively Global Family Research Project

Global Family Research Project

Parents not only need access to data, but they need to know how to act on what the data might be telling them. These Parent–Teacher Conference Tip Sheets provide key strategies that both parents and teachers can use to support students both in and out of the classroom. A tip sheet aimed at school principals also outlines how school administrators can support parents and teachers to that end. (English and Spanish)