South Dakota SPDG’s Evaluation Manual

The goal of the South Dakota State Personnel Development Grant (SD SPDG) is to develop a systematic, cohesive, collaborative, and sustainable evidence-based state literacy model that uses data, engages families, and can be implemented within any district needing support for struggling readers, especially students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) in grades K-5. The framework that will be used for this model is that of Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). The development and implementation of a professional learning and development (PLD) system is sustained through building a community of practice (CoP) among the SD Department of Education (DOE), partner organizations, and selected school districts and schools and through instructional literacy coaching. Several schools from 6 districts will participate in the SPDG project.

It is with these goals in mind that this evaluation tool manual was created. SPDG project staff have developed or adapted a number of tools designed to assist educational stakeholders in evaluating which systemic factors contribute to and/or hinder implementation of the SD SPDG.

Resource Topic:
Family Engagement Sub-Topic: