CIPP Three-part series on Conducting High-Quality Customer Surveys

First Webinar Slides: This webinar outlines the varied purposes of customer surveys, walks participants through the process of planning a high-quality customer survey, identifies some of the common problems related to planning customer surveys, and highlight the benefits of a well-designed customer survey.  This webinar is accompanied by Resources on Planning, Designing, and Conducting Customer Surveys.

Second Webinar Slides: This webinar walks participants through key aspects of survey design, identifies some of the common problems associated with designing customer surveys, and discusses how to carry out pilot testing to improve the quality of the survey. This webinar is accompanied by a Sample Item Formats for Customer Surveys.

Third Webinar Slides: This webinar outlines the different modes of survey data collection, walk participants through the process of collecting high-quality survey data and ensuring data security, identify some of the common problems associated with conducting customer surveys, and offer suggestions for improving response rates and managing the data that have been collected.  This webinar is accompanied by a Checklist for Planning, Designing, and Conducting Customer Surveys.

Measuring the quality of professional development training . Amy S. Gaumer Erickson, Patricia M. Noonan, Jennifer Brussow & Kayla Supon Carter. (2017). Professional Development in Education Vol. 43 , Iss. 4.

Observation Checklist for High-Quality Professional Development Instructions :  Individual(s) should complete the checklist while observing the delivery of professional development. For each item, check whether that indicator was present in the professional development and provide evidence from the training to support that assessment. See  Gaumer Erickson, A.S., Noonan, P.M., Ault, M., Monroe, K., & Brussow, J. (2020). Observation checklist for high-quality professional development [Version 3]. Center for Research on Learning, University of Kansas. 

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